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This is an album cover for the talented musician Maggie Stephens. She is awesome and if you haven’t already heard her music, I highly suggest taking some time to listen. It was an honor to work on this piece for her album, a fun collaboration that i am proud to be a part of!
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When Skya reached out for me to do this sweet surreal couples portrait, I was so excited! This lovely couple cares deeply for music, nature, reading philosophy books, and spending time together. This is a 3 dimensional piece, the record spins to signify their anniversary, their cycles around the sun as a couple. The lyrics to their song are written on the back of the removable record. Much love to them now and always! <3
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Happy Birthday to my best friend!! Amber is such a radiant light in my life and to remind them of how brightly they shine, I made this portrait of us taking a cute pic. The picture is floating through the universe across time because I will always love and cherish them and their friendship <3
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This cute pet portrait was super fun to paint! Sometimes I can be ~realistic~ haha. Courtney wanted a pet portrait for her sisters wedding present. She really liked it and I was so happy to create a piece that would bring so much joy! Thanks for your support Courtney!
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Wow what a quick change of pace, haha. This piece was for a Halloween party invite! The theme was “a party with our demons” —pretty self explainatory.
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This one is for Dani aka, g0blin on Spotify. They are an experimental electric musician whose music is super playful, fun to dance to, and full of emotion. It was a privilege to work on this piece for their single w.h.t.u.w.n.t (what you want). Thanks for all of your support Dani!
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This is a love box, it was made for a local cafe. It sat on a table in the waiting area for people within the community to write love notes to one another. Anonymous short sweet motivational or kind words to brighten up peoples days. This was during the most intense part of covid and everyone needed some extra love! So we made it happen. I also worked at this cafe and enjoyed seeing the ways it brought joy to a daily mundane coffee run :)
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This was a piece for an art collective puzzle series! The theme of my puzzle was “we are mirrors” and it is about seeing the fullness of each other. Witnessing the universe at work within us, one another, and how we can show up for one another with respect and love.